Sunday, September 12, 2010

mr. potter's class

 My new teacher Mr. Potter is a michigan fan for whatever reason. I am an Ohio State fan and they are a 1,000 times better than Michigan, that's why we win every year against them. Besides that he is a pretty cool teacher even though he is  making me right a blog for 15 minutes. This is pretty boring but i have no choice to do it. His class is pretty fun but we just got done with doing our poetry unit, it was boring because i just dont like it i would rather do something else than just sit there and read poems. now we have to right a 5 paragraph essay which is not fun either but i am writing about OSU and Michigan being split up into 2 seperate divisions next year. I guess Michigan was just tired of losing conference games to Ohio State because they are just so good. Our quarterback Tyrell Pryor is a boss and nobody can stop him. He is one of the biggest QB's in the league and he isnt afraid to take a hit like every other QB is. Yesterday OSU played Miami and they absolutely owned Jacory Harris. He threw 4 picks to our defense and one of them i have to say wasn't his fault because his wide reciever thought he was blocking for the running back when he was suppose to be catching the ball so the ball went right over his head and to chimdy chekwa. On the other hand Michigan got lucky in there game against Notre Dame, they scored a touchdown with like 42 seconds left because Notre Dame doesn't know how to play defense. It's ok though because before the season is over OSU will be #1. Be ready for that game on November 27th Michigan because your about to lose again!

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