Sunday, September 19, 2010

We are doing a research project right now in class and it is not very fun at all. We have to right a 4 to 6 page paper and it is going to be a lot of work. Luckily after we get this done we wont have to do any more for the rest of the year. Mr. Potter told us that that was the good news but i don't really think that's to good of news because we still have to do a long paper. I am doing mine on the Chicago White Sox and how they threw the 1919 world series. I think that is really dumb because teams work really hard all year long to get to the world series and they went in their and threw it. We spent the last two days of this week in the library doing research and trying to find are five resources that we need. Another thing that we did in class this week was we had to turn in are persuasive essay. The essay wasn't really that hard to do and i thought it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. I did my topic on the OSU and Michigan rivalry and how they are going to be split up into 2 different divisions next year. I think it is pretty stupid because they have been in the same division for over 100 years and people look forward to this game because they want to see who is going to be the best team in the conference that year. I don't think they should do it and they should just leave it the way it always has been. They can just split up the other teams in the division because their isn't another rivalry in the Big Ten like the Ohio State and Michigan one. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. I want to see how the people react to this and see if they are going to be as mad as i am predicting them to be.

1 comment:

  1. I like the split. U of M and OSU will still play each other the last game of the season but then they could also have a possible rematch if both teams win their division in a championship game. Sounds like fun to me...
