Sunday, January 30, 2011


my weekend

   This week was are first week back from exams ad it was really boring. I got new classes like gym and health. Health is really boring and all we do is study guides the whole class period while are teacher talks. Gym is pretty fun and alot of my friends are in that class with me. My english exam last week was really easy and but there were way to many questions on that exam. That was the most questions that I had on an exam but it was probably my easiest one. Exams were really long and boring but I feel that I did good on alot of them and I hope that I did. This week felt really slow and long and I was ready for this weekend. I still have basdeball 3 days a week for three more weeks and it is really fun. I cant wait for baseball season to start and I hope that we have another good season like we did last year. I also had ski club on thursday which was pretty fun becasue we didnt get to go last week because are bus got in a wreck on the way up there so we had to turn around and come back. On Friday this week I went to the JV and Varsity basketball games and they both won. Varsity started off slow but they ended up killing them by almost twenty points. On saturday I had a baseball clinic with little kids and it was pretty fun, we had to teach them the proper way to swing the bat. Overall I had a good weekend and im not ready to go back to school tomorrow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My week

    This week we read some more short stories and listened to some radio plays. The stories we read were pretty interesting. The one about the guy that made bets and then took fingers from people was kind of messed up. I also started baseball this week and it was kind of hard but I like being back on the field. I haven't played baseball since back over the summer. When we played over the summer we ended up coming second in states. We won the first two games but we couldn't win the third game and bring home states. Also the playoffs started this week and surprisingly the Seattle Seahawks won their game against the saints. Everyone thought they would lose coming into this game and they ended up winning the game. I thought they would lose but I was wrong and now I am hoping that they win the super bowl. Then the Jets and Colts play and the jets won the game with a last second field goal. It was pretty sick. Then today the Eagles are playing the Packers and I am hoping that the Eagles end up winning the game but it's not looking to good right now. I also went to my grandparents house today and saw them for awhile and it was fun. Then I went to my mom's and finished some homework so I can watch the rest of the Eagles game.
