Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My week so far

    My week so far has gone by pretty fast, its already wednesday. In English so far this week we have read other peoples stories in class that we had to write and post as our last blog. It was pretty funny listening to some of teh stories and some of them were really good. Mine was alright but I didnt think it was that great though. Right now we are preparing for the OGT's we have to take coming up in a couple of week's. We jsut had to do the reading part of teh test where you read the article or short story adn then you have to answer the questions that come after the reading and sometimes you have the short responses or the extended responses. It took me like a day and a half to complete all the way. Also this week we have the big game on saturday night to get ready for because the varsity team play's Westerville North but I think we will be able to pull it off and maybe win states this year. We came so close to winning them last year and got to the final four and lost. I was really mad because we beat the team that nobody that we would be able to beat and that was Northland. We didnt jsut beat them either, we killed them by like 30 points or somethin like that. We play at the colliseum again on saturday which was really fun last year because when we won the student section went crazy and we were trying to storm the court but they wouldn't let us. I think that when our JV team gets to be on varsity that we will be really good still even though our team is going to be missing our best point gaurd Stevie Taylor. He is a really good basketball player and I am hoping that he can bring us home a state championship this year. I even think that are varsity team for baseball could pull off a championship this year because we deffinetly have the team to do it. This is what has gone on so far in my week.


  1. i think we could win states too for basketball

  2. Yeah some of those stories were pretty good. I havent seen our team play yet, are they that good? Last years against northland was sweet, jared sullinger was playin. I like this post .
