Sunday, May 15, 2011




My week

    This week we started our last book for the year I think and its the one I was talking about in my last blog called Orson Welles and so far this has been a pretty good book. Its a lot better than Julius Caesar was and I can actually understand what they are talking about.The book isnt really that bad its pretty interesting and plus we are already like half way threw the book and im hoping that we wont have a test on this one like we did for the other book. This week was the last of our games and we finished 18-4 which I think was the best in our division and on Saturday we had to play another tri header that didnt get rained out this time and we one both of them. The first game was the big game against Grove City which we always have trouble with and we kind of did this time except we came back in the last inning and won the game. It was really sweet. Then we had to watch them play New Albany which we played after them and we ended up run ruling them because they weren't really that good of a team. This season I hit my first ever home run in high school and it was one of my best hits. When I first hit the ball I didnt think it was gone but when it landed it was over the fence and I new I finally hit one. Are season is over and we are about to start summer ball and im really excited for it. 

My week

    This week in class we havent started reading are other book yet but I guess its called Orson Welles and its supposed to be a really good book. Also we watched a video on this book and it was all about Orson and how he was basically an idle to all the people back then and he was also kind of an outlaw to the city. I guess when he would go from one place to another he would have to use an ambulance so that he could get threw the traffic without waiting to get to his destination. It seemed really good and im hoping that the book will also be good because I dont want to read another bad book. I dont really like to read, I have never read an entire book in my life except for in class when the teacher reads it to us. Also this week we had another double header except for this time it was a tri header at home. We had to play two teams on saturday instead of one and it took forever because after our first game we had to wait like three hours before we got to play the second one and when the game started it ended up getting rained out which really sucked. Are team is still doing really well and we are now up to 16-3 and we only have like three games left in the season which I am mad about because I like the kids I play with. Thats what happened this week in and outside of class.

My week

    This week in class we finally finished up Julius Ceasar. The book was overall pretty boring and I didnt really like it. The language was really hard to pick up on and it seemed like it took forever to get threw the book. Also this week we had to take the test which was kind of hard because of all the vocabulary that we had to know for the  test. Also this week we had a lot of baseball games which we had to play two of them on saturday and it was a long day. Are team is pretty good and we have only lost two games at this point which makes us 12-2. So many of our games have been being canceled lately which really sucks because we arent going to be able to make a lot of them up because they arent conference games. Im hoping that our varsity team goes pretty far and makes it well into the playoffs because I want to see them win before all of our seniors graduate this year. They have a good team and I think they will be able to go pretty far. Our pitching on varsity is stacked up and im not worried about them doing bad because if one kid isnt on his game we can take him out and we have a lot of back ups. Thats what all happened this week.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My weekend

This weekend I was suppose to have a game but it got cancelled because of all the rain we have had. It sucks we didn't get to have a game because we have had probably at least 10 games cancelled already and were not even half way threw our season. On friday are game got cancelled so I went out ot eat and then after that we went to the store and we bought an iPad which I am doing my homework on right now. These things are really cool, they are like a laptop but only a little smaller like a notebook. They are also really expensive but they are definitely worth it. Then on Saturday we were suppose to have a double header but once again it got cancelled but instead of staying in all day me and my brother and my friend went to the airport golf course and golfed 18 holes. After the first nine we went home and had to come back later because we got caught out in the rain and got drenched. When we came back we were the only ones on the course and it was fun. Then toddy for Easter we went to my grandparents house like every Sunday and my whole family ate dinner and it was really fun. After dinner we went and golfed again and this time we golfed another 18 but we didn't get rained on so it was all good. Now i am sitting at home watching the reds and cardinals play and i am hoping the cardinals win. Well thats what happened over my long weekend