Sunday, October 31, 2010

my weekend

 Last week in school was really boring. On Friday I had 3 test in a row and it really sucked. My math and english test were pretty easy but my science test was a little harder than I thought it would be. On Wednesday and Thursday I had to take my US history quarterly exam and it felt like it took forever. Friday night I didnt go to the game because they were playing away but I heard they won the last game of the year and they went 5-5. They started out kind of rough but they finished the season with a bang. Instead I stayed at my cousins house and I hung out with him and his friends and we played some xbox and watched some basketball and football and we played some ping pong as well. Saturday I got up and went back around 12:00 o'clock and went with my mom to practice maneuverabilty because I am going to take my license test on Tuesday and I needed to practice in her car. I am also going to practice again here in a little bit after she gets off work so that I know I will be good for the test. I have done pretty good in her car so far and havent knocked any cones over. But after I practiced I went home and got a showere and went back over to my cousins for the night again. We had fun and we played some war pong and some video games  and watched the buckeyes beat Minnisota. I also saw that Penn State beat Michigan. They started out prety good but they have kind of fell apart later on in the season. So far today I have watched some football and I am watching the Dolphins beat the Bengals because I am a Browns fan and I hate the Bengals. I think they need a new quarterback because Carson Palmer is not doing the job anymore but it's ok with me because the Browns already beat them this season. Well that's all for this week.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Sunday, October 24, 2010

My weekend

 This weekend I had a lot of fun. First off on Friday I went to school like usual and then after that I had to go to the gas station across the street where I met up with my in-car instructor for my 2nd in-car. After that I went back to my moms and then hung out with my friends for a little bit. Then I went to the last home game for the varsity team for the year. I had a lot of fun at the game and I hung out with my friends rather than watching the game. When I did watch some of the game our team was killing them and at the end of the game they ended up killing Reynoldsburg. After the game I hung out outside the stadium with my friends for a little until my older brother came to pick me up. On saturday my younger brother got up early to go to the Ohio State game with my mom where OSU killed Purdue. When I got up I got dressed and brushed my teeth and everything and then went outside and got my dirt bike out and called my friends to see if they wanted to go riding. When they came down we went out in the woods and road our dirt bikes and four wheelers for a while and we also hit the jumos that we made a couple weeks ago. I did crash a couple times on my bike and got a little bruised up but then I went to my house and got my four wheeler and by this time it was night out so we went riding and when we got out their my friend wanted me to see how fast I could get it to go and we hit a big log and I flipped up onto the front rack and I bruised both my wrist pretty bad. Then on Sunday I got up early and went out riding again and once again I wrecked but this time I wrecked on my dirt bike and messed up my knee. After that I went to my grandmas for dinner around one o'clock and watched my Browns play the Saints and they really tore them up in the game. The Saints ended up making a little comeback but in the end we won the game. Then I turned on sports center and got to see that the Bengals lost. This week I didnt look to see if Michigan won or not but hopefully they did. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

long weekend

This week we only had a 2 and a half day week. On wednesday I stayed at home and slept in. On thursday I watched some of the college football games that were on and then I played some of my xbox for awhile. On friday I hung out with my cousin and we went to see the new movie Jackass 3D. It was one of the funniest movies I have ever. Johnny Knoxville is probably my favorite character in the whole movie. Then I went to my cousins house and stayed the night and we played some more xbox. On saturday I went to my dads house and rode my dirtbike for the day. Last night I went to this place called the Haunted Hoochie with all my friends and I have never been their before so I was pretty scared. We ended up waiting in line their for an hour and a half. When I finally got in the haunted house I was pretty scared at first but once I got in their for a minute I was fine. I had so much fun in their and I talked to alot of the people that worked their and they were all pretty cool. Then I got to go home and see that my buckeyes lost against wisconsin and I was really mad. They were only number one for not even one game. Then today I got to see the Browns play the Steelers today and they lost again. I think the Browns have a good team they just need to work together. Colt Mccoy got to start today and he did really good considering this was his first start and it was against one of their biggest rivals and Ben Rothlisberger jsut came back so it made it that much harder for him to get a win. Then I went to my grandmas house for dinner and had fun. That was what I did over my long weekend.  


Sunday, October 10, 2010

My weekend

 This weekend overall was pretty sweet. On Friday I went to the Gahanna game to watch them lose again. This game was really close and i thought we would end up pulling it off but with 22 seconds left their quarterback threw the ball to his receiver and we lost the game. Although they lost I still had fun because I got to hang out with all my friends and mess around for 3 hours. Then I went home and went to sleep pretty early because I got up real early to go watch the JV team play and win their seventh game in a row. They are undefeated so far and they have a really good team. After that i came home and got ready to watch the Buckeyes take on Indiana. We ended up killing them pretty bad while Michigan lost to their other rival Michigan State. Denard Robinson didn't have a very good game and he threw a couple picks. Then i watched the Alabama and South Carolina game. This was my favorite game of the weekend because the Gamecocks pulled a win off on their own turf and the Buckeyes are now about to be number one again. I think the Buckeyes have potential to win the BCS championship game now that Alabama is out of it. Then it came time to go to homecoming and it was really fun. I danced alot and hung out with a lot of people. It seemed like the 3 hours went by so fast. I hope winter formal will be as good if not better than homecoming was. When i came home I was all sweaty from it being so hot in their so I took a shower and then went to bed around  twelve o'clock. When I got up around 1130 I had to get up and get dressed because I had to get ready for my nieces birthday party. I had to go and get her cake and some more presents and then we went to my sisters house and I helped her finish setting all the stuff up for the party. She just turned two on Wednesday. While I was at the party I got to watch my team the Cleveland Browns play the Falcons. Of course Seneca Wallis got hurt early in the game and we had to put in Jake Delhomme who isn't as good of a quarterback as Seneca Wallis is. So we ended up losing the game even though we played really good. I am looking forward to the 2 and a half day week this week.  


Sunday, October 3, 2010

My weekend

This week in English we are finally getting done with our trial research papers. It has been a lot of hard work but it will all be over with tomorrow. I have to put a few more facts about my trial in there so then i will be done with it and i wont have to worry about it anymore. Mine was a little short on Friday so i am going back and make it more longer so it will be 4 pages like it is suppose to be. Also this weekend the Ohio State Buckeyes won again but they barely pulled it off. The Michigan Wolverines barely won again against Indiana and that is who we have to play next week. Another thing that happened this weekend was the Browns got their first win this year against the Bengals which is their rivals. I am a Browns fan so it was good to see us actually get a win and it was cool that it came against the Bengals. Peyton Hillis is a good running back and he has done a good job for us so far even though we lost all are other games. The Steeler's just lost and i am excited about that because i hate them and it was good to see them lose against the Ravens. Some other games that i liked to see was the Rams and how they are on a two game win streak now with Sam Bradford. I think they have the potential to be a top team this year and maybe even go to the playoffs. I just got done watching the Eagles play the Redskins and it was a really close game. The Eagles almost made a come from behind win but when Kolb threw the ball into the end zone his wide receiver missed it even though it hit him right in the hands. I hope the Browns will get on the right track and we can start winning some games and maybe even go to the playoffs. I think we have the team to do it with but we just need to communicate a little better on the field and we will win. I hope we can beat the Steeler's. Our new quarterback Seneca Wallis is good but he makes some dumb decisions when he is under pressure. If he can think a little better when he's in these situations he will be our new starting quarterback. Jake Delhomme  is good but Seneca Wallis can scramble out of the pocket alot better than Jake can. Well that's all I have for this week.