Sunday, November 21, 2010

my weekend

 So this week in school we read a couple different stories and I didn't think they were really that interesting. They were about slavery and one of them was about Malcom X and I didn't like the story but when we started watching the movie it's been pretty good so far. Then this weekend I had a pretty fun time. I went down to my sister's house in Hocking County where we went hunting. When I first got their on Saturday we watched the Buckeyes play an intense game against the Iowa Hawkeyes but I was happy with the end result of the game because we ended up winning. I was also happy because I got to watch Michigan lose again. I can't wait for the game next week when OSU beats Michigan. It should be pretty fun. Then after the game we sat around and talked for awhile and watched some more football. I went to bed around one o'clock because I stayed up with my sister and my cousin and we played the board game sorry. After that I went to bed and got up early because we went out and went hunting. When we went out me and my brother both shot two squirrels. After that we came back up to Gahanna and went to my grandma and grandpa's house at one. While I was their I watched my team the Browns play and we should of won the game but we fell short. Then I watched the rest of the Bengals game and watched them lose to the Buffalo Bills who are terrible this year. That was my weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on those stories they were pretty boring but the movie was a little better like you said
