Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Paragraphs

     Nightjohn was a good book. It was about slaves that worked in a cotton field and how they were beat if they tried to learn how to read or write or even run away. In this book the slave owners name was Old Waller and he was a very mean slave owner and liked to beat the slaves. The people who tried to run away were all either severely beaten or killed. The first one was Jim and he was going to see his girlfriend and when he was sneaking back they fetched the dogs on him and he was killed. The second guy that tried to run away was also killed. His name was Pawley and he died because they sicked the dogs on him and then Old Waller cut the back of his feet so he couldn't run but he eventually bled out. The third one never died but she was always beaten and the dogs were even sicked on her. She was also used as breeding bate and after awhile it took a mental tole on her. The there was a guy named Nightjohn who ran off to the north but came back to teach slaves how to read and write. He started teaching Sarny how to read and her grandmother wasn't oik with it and tried to stop him but after he explained to her she was fine with it and he kept on teaching her letters. This book showed how slaves were treated bad and unfairly.
     Mascot was about Malcolm x and how he was sent to a reform school and he lived with a "foster" like family. He was treated very well their and went to a school where he fit in and he later on became class president. He stated that he tried so hard to act white and wanted to be like the other kids. Every weekend he would go back home to Lansing where he got to see his real family. His brother was a really good boxer and so Malcolm tried to be one but when he fought a kid named Bill Peterson he knocked him out. So Malcolm went back to the gym and he trained really hard so that he could go back and beat Bill Peterson. When he went back to fight him this time he had to fight Bill in his own town and once again Malcolm was knocked clean out. The family he stayed with while he went to reform school was the Swerlin's. He had also stayed with the Lyon's. He also had to get a job when he was there so he worked in a restaurant where he cleaned dishes for cash. The Statemen's name that took him to this reform school was Mr. Maynard Allen. Malcolm liked this guy but he said on some days and didn't. This is what this book was about.
     There were a lot of similarities between the books and the movie. The first thing that was the same about the book and Nightjohn is that in these to stories it showed how black people were treated bad back in the day because in the story they were beat on a farm and in the movie these white people made the dad pay more for the pig than it was worth and they also made him put it in their truck. Also in the movie they had lynched a black person which the debaters had to look at. A similarity between "Mascot" and the movie was how they both took place in Texas. Another similarity is that the debaters debated about how black people were treated unfairly like Malcolm x did through the story. Malcolm wanted to become a lawyer but he said he couldn't because there were no black lawyer's in Lansing. This relates to "Mascot" because Henry Lowe said that he became a lawyer in the movie. A difference in the three was how the professor in the movie was a communist and he was the leader of a white and black union. They never had that in the stories. Another difference would be how neither of the "Mascot" or the movie took place on a plantation or how the black people were beaten during the story. Also in "Nightjohn" they had a guy who came back who taught reading and writing to the other slaves while in the other book and movie they never were slaves and they already knew how to read and write. This was the similarities and differences between the books and the movie. 

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