Monday, February 28, 2011


    Mike: It has been a good game here so far today but it looks like the Reds are going to top the Cardinals in this one today as the score is 10 to 5 in the bottom of the ninth. Im going to go to the bathroom while they change pitchers.
Kevin: Ok hurry up though because their about to start in a couple minutes and the bathroom is all the way downstairs.
Mike: I'll be right back dont worry. (10 minutes passed by and Mike still wasn't back.)
Kevin: I'm not sure where Mike is but the swat team and cops have just shown up and they locked all the exits so knowone can get out. What's going on here!?!?!
(Mike returns to the booth)
Kevin: What took you so long? Look at this the swat team and cops are here.
Mike: My stomach was feeling upset so it took longer than I thought. Why are the cops here?(nervous tone)
Kevin: I dont know but they locked all the gates and knowbody is getting out.
Mike: (In a quite voice) How did they get here so fast?
Kevin: Who you talking to? (to mike)
Mike: Nobody!
Kevin: Why you acting so nervous? Do you know why there here or ahve something to do with this!?!?
(Mike stands up and shut's the door and lock's it.)
(Mike pulls out a pistol)
Mike: Alright now shut your mouth and taek off that head set so you can't make contact with anyone and get me caught!
Kevin: ok, ok, ok just calm sown and tell me what's going on here.
Mike: Well I decided to turn the fun up a little bit.
Kevin: What do you mean "turn the fun up"?
Mike: It's not that hard to figure out I am robbing the ball park!
Kevin: Why would you do that? Don't you get paid enough already?
Mike: No, ever since they cut my salary back I dont make as much so this is my way to get them back.
Kevin: You wont get out of here you know that right?
Mike: Well were both going down if I do.
Kevin: What do you mean?
Mike: Your my hostage get up and let's go!!
Kevin: Are you being serious right now?
Mike: Yeah, lets go.
   They snuck down the fire exit stairs and down into teh basement where the exit for the players is but the swat team was already there waiting.
Sheriff waller: Mike drop the gun and release Kevin and just come out.
Mike: No, now you let me out of here or Kevin's dead!
Kevin: Your kidding right?
Mike: If they let me go I am.
Sheriff Waller: Ok just calm down and lets talk about this.
Mike: Whats there to talk about?
    As Mike was talking a little bit of his shoulder was hanging out and Sheriff Waller noticed it so he went for the shot and caught him.
Mike: Owww! He got my shooting arm!
   Kevin noticed this and attacked him trying to get the gun and as he did Mike pulled the trigger and shot Kevin in his foot.
Kevin: Ouch! You shot my foot!
   As Mike peaked around the corner Kevin reached over one last time and jerked the gun loose and kicked it away. Just as that happened Sheriff Waller and the swat team ran over and tackled Mike.
Sheriff Waller: Put your hands behind your back and stop resisting!
    Mike was arrested and Kevin and Sheriff Waller were in teh ambulance talking about all that happened.
Kevin: I had no idea what he was doing. One minute he was going to the bathroom and then he comes back with money and a gun.
Sheriff Waller: Yea I cant believe he even did that. I have never seen a commentator try and rob a ball park before.
Kevin: Me either, what an ending to a game huh? (laughing)
Sheriff Waller: Yea, I would say so. (laughing back)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

long weekend

    This weekend was very fun. I needed all this time off because I hate going to school five days a week. Last week I had to take like 5 tests and it was so stupid. In english we had to take a test that had two different parts. The first part was dumb becasue we had to right to three different questions and we had to write alot. I hate writing so it was stupid having to do that. We also finished watching that movie that was pretty good and it was pretty intreseting to watch. Then on Friday after all my test we went to baseball for our last workout before we start tryouts this week. I cant wait for baseball to start, I have missed it for so long and cant wait for it to start. Then on Friday after baseball me and my friends went to the last basketball game of the year at home and it was fun. I dont know who we played but we killed them and it was a fun time. We start playoffs tonight and I hope they win so we can get revenge so we can come back and win states this year because we came so close last year and we lost which sucked because I thought we would win. I think we have the team to make it to the finals and actually win it this year. That was my long weekend and what we did in class last week.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

this week

    This week we started reading science fiction and fantasy stories. The stories that we have read so far have been pretty intresting, especially the one with the thousand foot wall where they were trapped inside it and it was a magic world. The kid was always thinking of a way that he could get out and his teacher didn't want him trying it and he was getting in alot of trouble because he wasn't paying attention in class. The other stories were pretty good but that was the one that I liked the most. I wish that we had magic because we would be able to do so much more stuff than we can now and it would be sweet. Also this week we I had baseball that was really fun and we only have one more week before I have to go for tryouts again like I did last year. The tryouts are very hard because we have to do alot of conditioning and it sucks but it helps keep me in shape. Also this weekend the varsity team won again and I think that JV did also. Yesterday I watched the buckeyes play basketball and they lost their first game of the year and they will no longer be number one. Wisconsin did this to us back during football season and the first week that we were number one we lost and then we weren't able to compete for the national championship. I think that we will still be in the national championship game so im not worried that we lost because we are still the best team in college. That was my week this week.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

My week

    This week in english we read a couple more stories and we listened to one story from llike the 1950's and it was pretty good. It was about these guy's going to mar's and it looks like heaven because everybody that they knew that died was there and it looked like each one of their hometowns. It ended up just being the aliens making it look like their families and they split the squad up and ended up killing all of them. Then we read another book about a bard that was always kicked and the kid always yelled at it and kept it in the basement and it ended up getting smarter and it kept saying one day that computers would take over and people would have to rely on computers and we would become dumb. This weekend I went to madriver and sat around at my house and played video games and watched tv. I also heard that the varsity team lost their first game of the year which sucks but its ok because we will still be in the playoffs and hopefully win it all. Today the superbowl is about to be played in a little bit and im hoping that the greenbay packers will win it all because I hate the steelers. They always win the superbowl and I just want to see a new team win, I think that Aaron Rodgers deserves it. That's what happened this week and over my weekend so far.