Sunday, December 12, 2010


my weekend

    This week in school we read some more stories and then we had to take an essay test. I thought the test was fairly easy. Then on Friday I saw that the varsity basketball team won again and I think the JV did to but I haven't checked yet. On Friday I went to my dad's and stayed the night with him but then on Saturday I had to get up really early because I went to Mad River mountain with my cousin and my brother and one of my friends. We spent most of the day their and then after we came back I had to get ready because my mom had tickets to the Blue Jackets game on the ice. They were the best tickets I have ever had. They were front row right behind the goal. The Jackets ended up winning the gaem 3-1 against the Rangers and there was almost a fight a couple of times but the refs kept breaking them up. Then I was so tired from my day that when I got home I wanted to go to bed but my cousin wanted me to stay the night so I went over to his house and we played some Call of Duty and then went to bed around 1. On Sunday I went to my grandmas for dinner and then when we came home I watched the Bengals lose their tenth straight game. Then I got to see that the Browns lost to the Bills and they are a really bad team. Next week the Bengals and Browns play but I know that my Browns will pull off the win. That was my week in school and my weekend.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


my weekend

    This weekend was a lot of fun. On Friday I went to my dads house and hung out with him for a little bit and then my sisters boyfriend came and picked me and my little brother up and we went down to their house and went hunting. We got up real early on Saturday around 5:30 and we were in the woods by 6:30 so we would have a better chance at seeing something. We never got anything so when we went back to the house when it got dark out we watched some college football. I saw that Auburn won again and that Oregon won as well. Then we ended up going to bed early because we went out again this morning real early about the same time as we did on Saturday morning. Today we never really saw anything either but we heard a lot of stuff. Then we went back to the house and I got to watch my Browns play and they won in the late last part of the game. Then I watched the Bengals lose again and see that they are now 2-10. They are a bad team overall and I don't think that Terrell Owens will last long in Cincinnati.  This week in school we watched some films about concentration camps and we read some stories about as well. They were pretty interesting and I liked the movie that we watched even though the movie wasn't in English the whole time. I also heard that the Gahanna basketball team won their opening game of the year. This was my week in school and my weekend at my sister's.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Paragraphs

     Nightjohn was a good book. It was about slaves that worked in a cotton field and how they were beat if they tried to learn how to read or write or even run away. In this book the slave owners name was Old Waller and he was a very mean slave owner and liked to beat the slaves. The people who tried to run away were all either severely beaten or killed. The first one was Jim and he was going to see his girlfriend and when he was sneaking back they fetched the dogs on him and he was killed. The second guy that tried to run away was also killed. His name was Pawley and he died because they sicked the dogs on him and then Old Waller cut the back of his feet so he couldn't run but he eventually bled out. The third one never died but she was always beaten and the dogs were even sicked on her. She was also used as breeding bate and after awhile it took a mental tole on her. The there was a guy named Nightjohn who ran off to the north but came back to teach slaves how to read and write. He started teaching Sarny how to read and her grandmother wasn't oik with it and tried to stop him but after he explained to her she was fine with it and he kept on teaching her letters. This book showed how slaves were treated bad and unfairly.
     Mascot was about Malcolm x and how he was sent to a reform school and he lived with a "foster" like family. He was treated very well their and went to a school where he fit in and he later on became class president. He stated that he tried so hard to act white and wanted to be like the other kids. Every weekend he would go back home to Lansing where he got to see his real family. His brother was a really good boxer and so Malcolm tried to be one but when he fought a kid named Bill Peterson he knocked him out. So Malcolm went back to the gym and he trained really hard so that he could go back and beat Bill Peterson. When he went back to fight him this time he had to fight Bill in his own town and once again Malcolm was knocked clean out. The family he stayed with while he went to reform school was the Swerlin's. He had also stayed with the Lyon's. He also had to get a job when he was there so he worked in a restaurant where he cleaned dishes for cash. The Statemen's name that took him to this reform school was Mr. Maynard Allen. Malcolm liked this guy but he said on some days and didn't. This is what this book was about.
     There were a lot of similarities between the books and the movie. The first thing that was the same about the book and Nightjohn is that in these to stories it showed how black people were treated bad back in the day because in the story they were beat on a farm and in the movie these white people made the dad pay more for the pig than it was worth and they also made him put it in their truck. Also in the movie they had lynched a black person which the debaters had to look at. A similarity between "Mascot" and the movie was how they both took place in Texas. Another similarity is that the debaters debated about how black people were treated unfairly like Malcolm x did through the story. Malcolm wanted to become a lawyer but he said he couldn't because there were no black lawyer's in Lansing. This relates to "Mascot" because Henry Lowe said that he became a lawyer in the movie. A difference in the three was how the professor in the movie was a communist and he was the leader of a white and black union. They never had that in the stories. Another difference would be how neither of the "Mascot" or the movie took place on a plantation or how the black people were beaten during the story. Also in "Nightjohn" they had a guy who came back who taught reading and writing to the other slaves while in the other book and movie they never were slaves and they already knew how to read and write. This was the similarities and differences between the books and the movie. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

my weekend

 So this week in school we read a couple different stories and I didn't think they were really that interesting. They were about slavery and one of them was about Malcom X and I didn't like the story but when we started watching the movie it's been pretty good so far. Then this weekend I had a pretty fun time. I went down to my sister's house in Hocking County where we went hunting. When I first got their on Saturday we watched the Buckeyes play an intense game against the Iowa Hawkeyes but I was happy with the end result of the game because we ended up winning. I was also happy because I got to watch Michigan lose again. I can't wait for the game next week when OSU beats Michigan. It should be pretty fun. Then after the game we sat around and talked for awhile and watched some more football. I went to bed around one o'clock because I stayed up with my sister and my cousin and we played the board game sorry. After that I went to bed and got up early because we went out and went hunting. When we went out me and my brother both shot two squirrels. After that we came back up to Gahanna and went to my grandma and grandpa's house at one. While I was their I watched my team the Browns play and we should of won the game but we fell short. Then I watched the rest of the Bengals game and watched them lose to the Buffalo Bills who are terrible this year. That was my weekend.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

My weekend

 This weekend I had a lot of fun. On Friday after school I went out to my dads house and I brought my xbox so that I could play it later it on at night. It was so nice out that I didn't need a jacket when I went riding and me and my brother and his friend went out riding for a couple hours. I rode my dirt bike while my brother and his friend rode out four wheeler. After it got dark out we went inside and watched some t.v. and ordered some pizza. After we ate we went up to my room and I hooked up my xbox and we played my new game I got Call Of Duty: Black Ops. Then we decided to play Fifa soccer for a little and me and his friend played a couple games and I won. After that I went to bed. When I got up the next morning me and my brother went with my sister down to he boyfriend's parents house where we went hunting. When we went out the first time on Saturday we didn't see anything and so we went back up to the house and watched the Buckeyes win again. Then we watched her boyfriend's Dad's team play which was the Florida Gators and they lost. After that we went to bed and got up on Sunday at 6:30 to go out early and get set up in the woods before the animals started coming out. I killed a squirrel and two birds and my brother killed the same thing. Then we came back up here and I went to my grandparents house where we watched the Browns play and come back on the Jets and go into overtime and lose with 26 seconds left. We also watched the Bengals lose their seventh game of the year. This was my weekend.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My weekend

 This weekend was pretty fun. I went to my dads house and rode my dirt bike for the whole day. We did new tricks and it was overall pretty fun. I tried a trick and bruised my right foot pretty bad but it was still fun. Then on saturday I got up around 11:00 o'clock and went and got a shower then I went up to my friends house and got him and we went back out to the jumps. We stayed out there for a couple hours and then I went back home and watched some college football even though Ohio State wasnt playing this weekend. I saw that Michigan went into like 3 overtimes with Illinois before they finally won by 2 points. Michigan does not have a very good defense because they gave up 65 points in the whole game but they still won. I didnt get to see if Oregon or Auburn won because I was out riding with my friends again. After it got dark out we went up to my friends house and turned his porch lights on and threw our throwing knives we just got from the store. It was pretty fun. Then on Sunday I went to my grandparents house like every weekend and I watched my Browns win again. They beat the Patriots and they were 6-1. The Browns have a pretty good team now and they have some potential. Well that was my weekend.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

my weekend

 Last week in school was really boring. On Friday I had 3 test in a row and it really sucked. My math and english test were pretty easy but my science test was a little harder than I thought it would be. On Wednesday and Thursday I had to take my US history quarterly exam and it felt like it took forever. Friday night I didnt go to the game because they were playing away but I heard they won the last game of the year and they went 5-5. They started out kind of rough but they finished the season with a bang. Instead I stayed at my cousins house and I hung out with him and his friends and we played some xbox and watched some basketball and football and we played some ping pong as well. Saturday I got up and went back around 12:00 o'clock and went with my mom to practice maneuverabilty because I am going to take my license test on Tuesday and I needed to practice in her car. I am also going to practice again here in a little bit after she gets off work so that I know I will be good for the test. I have done pretty good in her car so far and havent knocked any cones over. But after I practiced I went home and got a showere and went back over to my cousins for the night again. We had fun and we played some war pong and some video games  and watched the buckeyes beat Minnisota. I also saw that Penn State beat Michigan. They started out prety good but they have kind of fell apart later on in the season. So far today I have watched some football and I am watching the Dolphins beat the Bengals because I am a Browns fan and I hate the Bengals. I think they need a new quarterback because Carson Palmer is not doing the job anymore but it's ok with me because the Browns already beat them this season. Well that's all for this week.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Sunday, October 24, 2010

My weekend

 This weekend I had a lot of fun. First off on Friday I went to school like usual and then after that I had to go to the gas station across the street where I met up with my in-car instructor for my 2nd in-car. After that I went back to my moms and then hung out with my friends for a little bit. Then I went to the last home game for the varsity team for the year. I had a lot of fun at the game and I hung out with my friends rather than watching the game. When I did watch some of the game our team was killing them and at the end of the game they ended up killing Reynoldsburg. After the game I hung out outside the stadium with my friends for a little until my older brother came to pick me up. On saturday my younger brother got up early to go to the Ohio State game with my mom where OSU killed Purdue. When I got up I got dressed and brushed my teeth and everything and then went outside and got my dirt bike out and called my friends to see if they wanted to go riding. When they came down we went out in the woods and road our dirt bikes and four wheelers for a while and we also hit the jumos that we made a couple weeks ago. I did crash a couple times on my bike and got a little bruised up but then I went to my house and got my four wheeler and by this time it was night out so we went riding and when we got out their my friend wanted me to see how fast I could get it to go and we hit a big log and I flipped up onto the front rack and I bruised both my wrist pretty bad. Then on Sunday I got up early and went out riding again and once again I wrecked but this time I wrecked on my dirt bike and messed up my knee. After that I went to my grandmas for dinner around one o'clock and watched my Browns play the Saints and they really tore them up in the game. The Saints ended up making a little comeback but in the end we won the game. Then I turned on sports center and got to see that the Bengals lost. This week I didnt look to see if Michigan won or not but hopefully they did. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

long weekend

This week we only had a 2 and a half day week. On wednesday I stayed at home and slept in. On thursday I watched some of the college football games that were on and then I played some of my xbox for awhile. On friday I hung out with my cousin and we went to see the new movie Jackass 3D. It was one of the funniest movies I have ever. Johnny Knoxville is probably my favorite character in the whole movie. Then I went to my cousins house and stayed the night and we played some more xbox. On saturday I went to my dads house and rode my dirtbike for the day. Last night I went to this place called the Haunted Hoochie with all my friends and I have never been their before so I was pretty scared. We ended up waiting in line their for an hour and a half. When I finally got in the haunted house I was pretty scared at first but once I got in their for a minute I was fine. I had so much fun in their and I talked to alot of the people that worked their and they were all pretty cool. Then I got to go home and see that my buckeyes lost against wisconsin and I was really mad. They were only number one for not even one game. Then today I got to see the Browns play the Steelers today and they lost again. I think the Browns have a good team they just need to work together. Colt Mccoy got to start today and he did really good considering this was his first start and it was against one of their biggest rivals and Ben Rothlisberger jsut came back so it made it that much harder for him to get a win. Then I went to my grandmas house for dinner and had fun. That was what I did over my long weekend.  


Sunday, October 10, 2010

My weekend

 This weekend overall was pretty sweet. On Friday I went to the Gahanna game to watch them lose again. This game was really close and i thought we would end up pulling it off but with 22 seconds left their quarterback threw the ball to his receiver and we lost the game. Although they lost I still had fun because I got to hang out with all my friends and mess around for 3 hours. Then I went home and went to sleep pretty early because I got up real early to go watch the JV team play and win their seventh game in a row. They are undefeated so far and they have a really good team. After that i came home and got ready to watch the Buckeyes take on Indiana. We ended up killing them pretty bad while Michigan lost to their other rival Michigan State. Denard Robinson didn't have a very good game and he threw a couple picks. Then i watched the Alabama and South Carolina game. This was my favorite game of the weekend because the Gamecocks pulled a win off on their own turf and the Buckeyes are now about to be number one again. I think the Buckeyes have potential to win the BCS championship game now that Alabama is out of it. Then it came time to go to homecoming and it was really fun. I danced alot and hung out with a lot of people. It seemed like the 3 hours went by so fast. I hope winter formal will be as good if not better than homecoming was. When i came home I was all sweaty from it being so hot in their so I took a shower and then went to bed around  twelve o'clock. When I got up around 1130 I had to get up and get dressed because I had to get ready for my nieces birthday party. I had to go and get her cake and some more presents and then we went to my sisters house and I helped her finish setting all the stuff up for the party. She just turned two on Wednesday. While I was at the party I got to watch my team the Cleveland Browns play the Falcons. Of course Seneca Wallis got hurt early in the game and we had to put in Jake Delhomme who isn't as good of a quarterback as Seneca Wallis is. So we ended up losing the game even though we played really good. I am looking forward to the 2 and a half day week this week.  


Sunday, October 3, 2010

My weekend

This week in English we are finally getting done with our trial research papers. It has been a lot of hard work but it will all be over with tomorrow. I have to put a few more facts about my trial in there so then i will be done with it and i wont have to worry about it anymore. Mine was a little short on Friday so i am going back and make it more longer so it will be 4 pages like it is suppose to be. Also this weekend the Ohio State Buckeyes won again but they barely pulled it off. The Michigan Wolverines barely won again against Indiana and that is who we have to play next week. Another thing that happened this weekend was the Browns got their first win this year against the Bengals which is their rivals. I am a Browns fan so it was good to see us actually get a win and it was cool that it came against the Bengals. Peyton Hillis is a good running back and he has done a good job for us so far even though we lost all are other games. The Steeler's just lost and i am excited about that because i hate them and it was good to see them lose against the Ravens. Some other games that i liked to see was the Rams and how they are on a two game win streak now with Sam Bradford. I think they have the potential to be a top team this year and maybe even go to the playoffs. I just got done watching the Eagles play the Redskins and it was a really close game. The Eagles almost made a come from behind win but when Kolb threw the ball into the end zone his wide receiver missed it even though it hit him right in the hands. I hope the Browns will get on the right track and we can start winning some games and maybe even go to the playoffs. I think we have the team to do it with but we just need to communicate a little better on the field and we will win. I hope we can beat the Steeler's. Our new quarterback Seneca Wallis is good but he makes some dumb decisions when he is under pressure. If he can think a little better when he's in these situations he will be our new starting quarterback. Jake Delhomme  is good but Seneca Wallis can scramble out of the pocket alot better than Jake can. Well that's all I have for this week.   

Sunday, September 26, 2010

This week for our project in English we had to finish our 55 note cards and make our title page and are work cited page. Tomorrow we have our rough draft outline do and mine is all done and i have 8 total paragraphs. Also this weekend Michigan played Bowling Green and even know im not a Michigan fan they beat them pretty bad. Ohio State played Eastern Michigan and they beat them really bad. This game was embarrassing, they scored a total of 71 points on them. This weekend i went to my cousins house and stayed the night and we stayed up really late and played halo reach. That game is really fun and it is way better than the other halos that ubisoft made. I play baseball for the school and the reason i am telling you this is because this week at practice we were outside when the tornado sirens went off and there was a funnel cloud right over top our field. We had to go in the bathrooms where are locker rooms are and stay in their for almost an hour. I am trying out for the JV team because last year i played on the freshman team and are team was really good, we went 22-5. Mr. Potter is the JV basketball coach and his team is pretty good even though some of his players are going to be playing up on varsity this year. I hope are team can go to states again and hopefully win it all instead of falling short again. I cant wait to get this whole project over with in English because i really hate doing this especially when it has to be 4-6 pages long. It seems like a lot of writing but hopefully it wont be that bad when it comes time to write it. That's what happened this week. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

We are doing a research project right now in class and it is not very fun at all. We have to right a 4 to 6 page paper and it is going to be a lot of work. Luckily after we get this done we wont have to do any more for the rest of the year. Mr. Potter told us that that was the good news but i don't really think that's to good of news because we still have to do a long paper. I am doing mine on the Chicago White Sox and how they threw the 1919 world series. I think that is really dumb because teams work really hard all year long to get to the world series and they went in their and threw it. We spent the last two days of this week in the library doing research and trying to find are five resources that we need. Another thing that we did in class this week was we had to turn in are persuasive essay. The essay wasn't really that hard to do and i thought it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. I did my topic on the OSU and Michigan rivalry and how they are going to be split up into 2 different divisions next year. I think it is pretty stupid because they have been in the same division for over 100 years and people look forward to this game because they want to see who is going to be the best team in the conference that year. I don't think they should do it and they should just leave it the way it always has been. They can just split up the other teams in the division because their isn't another rivalry in the Big Ten like the Ohio State and Michigan one. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. I want to see how the people react to this and see if they are going to be as mad as i am predicting them to be.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

mr. potter's class

 My new teacher Mr. Potter is a michigan fan for whatever reason. I am an Ohio State fan and they are a 1,000 times better than Michigan, that's why we win every year against them. Besides that he is a pretty cool teacher even though he is  making me right a blog for 15 minutes. This is pretty boring but i have no choice to do it. His class is pretty fun but we just got done with doing our poetry unit, it was boring because i just dont like it i would rather do something else than just sit there and read poems. now we have to right a 5 paragraph essay which is not fun either but i am writing about OSU and Michigan being split up into 2 seperate divisions next year. I guess Michigan was just tired of losing conference games to Ohio State because they are just so good. Our quarterback Tyrell Pryor is a boss and nobody can stop him. He is one of the biggest QB's in the league and he isnt afraid to take a hit like every other QB is. Yesterday OSU played Miami and they absolutely owned Jacory Harris. He threw 4 picks to our defense and one of them i have to say wasn't his fault because his wide reciever thought he was blocking for the running back when he was suppose to be catching the ball so the ball went right over his head and to chimdy chekwa. On the other hand Michigan got lucky in there game against Notre Dame, they scored a touchdown with like 42 seconds left because Notre Dame doesn't know how to play defense. It's ok though because before the season is over OSU will be #1. Be ready for that game on November 27th Michigan because your about to lose again!