Sunday, May 15, 2011




My week

    This week we started our last book for the year I think and its the one I was talking about in my last blog called Orson Welles and so far this has been a pretty good book. Its a lot better than Julius Caesar was and I can actually understand what they are talking about.The book isnt really that bad its pretty interesting and plus we are already like half way threw the book and im hoping that we wont have a test on this one like we did for the other book. This week was the last of our games and we finished 18-4 which I think was the best in our division and on Saturday we had to play another tri header that didnt get rained out this time and we one both of them. The first game was the big game against Grove City which we always have trouble with and we kind of did this time except we came back in the last inning and won the game. It was really sweet. Then we had to watch them play New Albany which we played after them and we ended up run ruling them because they weren't really that good of a team. This season I hit my first ever home run in high school and it was one of my best hits. When I first hit the ball I didnt think it was gone but when it landed it was over the fence and I new I finally hit one. Are season is over and we are about to start summer ball and im really excited for it. 

My week

    This week in class we havent started reading are other book yet but I guess its called Orson Welles and its supposed to be a really good book. Also we watched a video on this book and it was all about Orson and how he was basically an idle to all the people back then and he was also kind of an outlaw to the city. I guess when he would go from one place to another he would have to use an ambulance so that he could get threw the traffic without waiting to get to his destination. It seemed really good and im hoping that the book will also be good because I dont want to read another bad book. I dont really like to read, I have never read an entire book in my life except for in class when the teacher reads it to us. Also this week we had another double header except for this time it was a tri header at home. We had to play two teams on saturday instead of one and it took forever because after our first game we had to wait like three hours before we got to play the second one and when the game started it ended up getting rained out which really sucked. Are team is still doing really well and we are now up to 16-3 and we only have like three games left in the season which I am mad about because I like the kids I play with. Thats what happened this week in and outside of class.

My week

    This week in class we finally finished up Julius Ceasar. The book was overall pretty boring and I didnt really like it. The language was really hard to pick up on and it seemed like it took forever to get threw the book. Also this week we had to take the test which was kind of hard because of all the vocabulary that we had to know for the  test. Also this week we had a lot of baseball games which we had to play two of them on saturday and it was a long day. Are team is pretty good and we have only lost two games at this point which makes us 12-2. So many of our games have been being canceled lately which really sucks because we arent going to be able to make a lot of them up because they arent conference games. Im hoping that our varsity team goes pretty far and makes it well into the playoffs because I want to see them win before all of our seniors graduate this year. They have a good team and I think they will be able to go pretty far. Our pitching on varsity is stacked up and im not worried about them doing bad because if one kid isnt on his game we can take him out and we have a lot of back ups. Thats what all happened this week.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My weekend

This weekend I was suppose to have a game but it got cancelled because of all the rain we have had. It sucks we didn't get to have a game because we have had probably at least 10 games cancelled already and were not even half way threw our season. On friday are game got cancelled so I went out ot eat and then after that we went to the store and we bought an iPad which I am doing my homework on right now. These things are really cool, they are like a laptop but only a little smaller like a notebook. They are also really expensive but they are definitely worth it. Then on Saturday we were suppose to have a double header but once again it got cancelled but instead of staying in all day me and my brother and my friend went to the airport golf course and golfed 18 holes. After the first nine we went home and had to come back later because we got caught out in the rain and got drenched. When we came back we were the only ones on the course and it was fun. Then toddy for Easter we went to my grandparents house like every Sunday and my whole family ate dinner and it was really fun. After dinner we went and golfed again and this time we golfed another 18 but we didn't get rained on so it was all good. Now i am sitting at home watching the reds and cardinals play and i am hoping the cardinals win. Well thats what happened over my long weekend

Friday, April 22, 2011


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My week

    This week in class we started reading Julius Caesar and the book I think is not interesting because we already watched the movie and now were reading the book. However there are some things in the book like the bad omen's that weren't mentioned in the movie. Also the way that the girl finds out that they are going to kill Caesar is different. On Friday we got to come to school late which let me sleep in alot later than I usually do and it felt really good. Then on next Friday we don't have school because of good Friday which I can't wait for because we only have a four day week. Over my weekend we were supposed to have a double header against Marysville which ended up getting rained out which sucks because are team was looking for a win because on Friday we lost our first game of the season which we shouldn't have lost but we did. Tomorrow we have a game against Pick North which we need to win this game because it's are biggest game of the year. That's all for this week.

My weekend

 So this week when we got back from spring break we started watching the Julius Caesar movie and it is pretty dumb. The acting is so bad and the movie just isn't good to me. Then after we watched it we are going to start to read it which I dont want to do because I don't like trying to read an older language. Over my spring break we started our baseball game's but they were only scrimmage's and not real games just yet. So far we are undefeated in the regular season and are team is pretty good. I think we have a chance at being the best team in the league. I have played baseball my whole life and I deffinetly don't think I will be stopping any time soon. Also over my spring break I watched some basketball game like the Miami heat. They are my favorite team because LeBron James went to them and they are now really good. I think they have what it takes to win it all and I deffinetly think they are going to be in the championship game. Well that's what happened over my spring break.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Friendship-My Genre Project

Dear Reader,

    The theme for the book Al Capone Does My Shirts is friendship. The reason that I chose this for my theme is because in the beginning of the story the main character Moose has to move to an island called Alcatraz because his dad has just got a job there as an electrician and now he is forced to make new friends. This is where friendship comes into play because he meets a lot of new kids on this island. He meets Piper who is the warden’s daughter. Then he meets a girl named Theresa and her brother Jimmy. Jimmy loves trying to build new machines and Theresa likes to play with Moose’s sister Natalie who is mentally challenged. Then there is another girl named Annie. Then when he goes to his new school he goes to school with Piper and when he first goes he shows up to class late and the teacher is kind of rude to him. After this he meets a kid named Scout who is a pretty cool kid. The reason why Moose likes him so much is because he plays baseball and that’s the sport that Moose loves to play. Back on Alcatraz no body plays baseball so he can no longer play like he used to be able to back in San Francisco with his friend Pete. As the story goes on Scout invites Moose to come and play baseball with him and some other kids after school every Monday. This makes Moose happy because he is tired of living on the island and not having friends who play baseball. This makes Scout pretty much his best friend because he is the only kid now that Moose knows that actually likes to play. As they play he also gets to meet more kids that he starts playing baseball with on Monday. He also meets a convict which at first he doesn’t like because he thinks that he is trying to rape his sister, but after he realizes that he isn’t trying to do that convict 105 helps Moose get his letter to Al Capone that helps his sister get into a mentally challenged school that his mother has been trying to get her into for the longest time but never could. This in the end kind of makes Al Capone a new friend of Moose as well. This is why I picked friendship as the theme of the book I read.

"True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."
- Charles Caleb Colton

Dear Journal,
    Today was a good day. I just got to the island of Alcatraz and I didn’t think that I would like it here but I am actually really starting to like it. I met some other kids that live here and they all seem really cool. The only bad thing is that none of them really like or can play baseball and that’s my favorite sport. Im hoping that at my new school there will be some kids that like to play because if not its really going to suck. But the kids that live here are cool. One of them is the wardens daughter so you know she’s gotta be miss no it all. She’s already talking about how she has talked to Al Capone which she thinks that I actually believe her parents would let her talk to a convict. She also says she has caught a baseball that he hit over the fence to them one day but none of the other kids have mentioned it. The only bad thing is she is kinda cute and it makes me mad because she thinks she knows it all but yet she is cute. I will be writing more tomorrow to tell how my first day of school went.

"My friends are my estate."
- Emily Dickinson

Dear Moose,

    I heard you have been looking for one of those convicts baseball’s that get hit over the wall when we play. I think we might be able to work something out with you helping me get out of here. If you somehow help me get out of this place and escape I will get you the baseball for your friend and I will also get one for you so you both have one. All you have to do is come down to the same part of the fence that you and Natalie have been coming down to the past couple days and there will be all the baseballs you want. I have been watching you looking so hard for one and I felt kind of bad for you. You thought that nobody could see you down there but the truth is I saw you two down there everyday. So if you want those baseballs then write back to this letter saying you are in and we will make a plan.


"To be depressed is to be lonely; to have a friend is to be happy..."
- Guido


Dear Moose,
    Thanks for getting that convict baseball for me. It really means a lot because ever since you and Piper started telling us those stories about how the convicts hit them over the wall I have been wanting one really badly. Now that I have one we can use it when we play at lunch or after school. It’s going to be sweet playing baseball with a ball that Al Capone and some other convicts have used. It must have taken you forever to find one because I know those things don’t just come over the fence every day. And about how I said you can’t play on my team anymore, I was only upset that day because you said that we could play on Tuesday’s but then you said you could only play at lunch and I kind of lost my temper. So for that I am sorry and I want you to know I didn’t mean it.


"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."
- (sent by Dior Yamasaki)

"A friend is one who walks in when others walk out"
-Walter Winchell

 For the first genre I chose to do a journal entry because I did one talking about how he just spent his first day on the island and he actually like’s the kid’s that are there. My theme was friendship so that’s why I chose to make a journal about how he just met new friends. The genre that I did was a ransom note from the infamous Al Capone because in the story Al and Moose never really become friends because Al Capone is in prison but Moose writes him a letter asking him if he could get his sister into a special education school that would help his sister. At the end of the story Al writes back a letter but all it says is “done”. This shows that if Al didn’t like Moose then he wouldn’t of got his sister into the school but he did like him so he did the kid a favor. Another genre I did was a wanted poster of Al Capone because he was a big gangster and was in the mob and probably the dangerous man in all of Chicago. The poster said that if anyone a\had any information to contact the number to get him off the streets. This guy had lots of money but it was from drug dealing and killing other people that didn’t pay him for the drugs on time. That last thing that I did for one of my genre’s was a thank you note from one of Moose’s friends he met at his new school. In the story Moose was trying to find a baseball that the convicts had hit over the wall and he did this for days and days just so that he could make his new friend happy. So I did a thank you letter from Scout saying thanks for getting him the ball and that he had to have gone through a whole lot of trouble to get it. While I was doing this project I never came across any difficulties because the project was all self explanatory and we had a paper that told us everything we need to do. I think that these types of projects are boring to me personally because I don’t like to read in the first place so in order to be able to do the project you have to read the book first.


"The Friendship Page: Friendship Quotes: General." The Friendship Page ..for Every Friendship! 21 June 2009. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. <>.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My week so far

    My week so far has gone by pretty fast, its already wednesday. In English so far this week we have read other peoples stories in class that we had to write and post as our last blog. It was pretty funny listening to some of teh stories and some of them were really good. Mine was alright but I didnt think it was that great though. Right now we are preparing for the OGT's we have to take coming up in a couple of week's. We jsut had to do the reading part of teh test where you read the article or short story adn then you have to answer the questions that come after the reading and sometimes you have the short responses or the extended responses. It took me like a day and a half to complete all the way. Also this week we have the big game on saturday night to get ready for because the varsity team play's Westerville North but I think we will be able to pull it off and maybe win states this year. We came so close to winning them last year and got to the final four and lost. I was really mad because we beat the team that nobody that we would be able to beat and that was Northland. We didnt jsut beat them either, we killed them by like 30 points or somethin like that. We play at the colliseum again on saturday which was really fun last year because when we won the student section went crazy and we were trying to storm the court but they wouldn't let us. I think that when our JV team gets to be on varsity that we will be really good still even though our team is going to be missing our best point gaurd Stevie Taylor. He is a really good basketball player and I am hoping that he can bring us home a state championship this year. I even think that are varsity team for baseball could pull off a championship this year because we deffinetly have the team to do it. This is what has gone on so far in my week.

Monday, February 28, 2011


    Mike: It has been a good game here so far today but it looks like the Reds are going to top the Cardinals in this one today as the score is 10 to 5 in the bottom of the ninth. Im going to go to the bathroom while they change pitchers.
Kevin: Ok hurry up though because their about to start in a couple minutes and the bathroom is all the way downstairs.
Mike: I'll be right back dont worry. (10 minutes passed by and Mike still wasn't back.)
Kevin: I'm not sure where Mike is but the swat team and cops have just shown up and they locked all the exits so knowone can get out. What's going on here!?!?!
(Mike returns to the booth)
Kevin: What took you so long? Look at this the swat team and cops are here.
Mike: My stomach was feeling upset so it took longer than I thought. Why are the cops here?(nervous tone)
Kevin: I dont know but they locked all the gates and knowbody is getting out.
Mike: (In a quite voice) How did they get here so fast?
Kevin: Who you talking to? (to mike)
Mike: Nobody!
Kevin: Why you acting so nervous? Do you know why there here or ahve something to do with this!?!?
(Mike stands up and shut's the door and lock's it.)
(Mike pulls out a pistol)
Mike: Alright now shut your mouth and taek off that head set so you can't make contact with anyone and get me caught!
Kevin: ok, ok, ok just calm sown and tell me what's going on here.
Mike: Well I decided to turn the fun up a little bit.
Kevin: What do you mean "turn the fun up"?
Mike: It's not that hard to figure out I am robbing the ball park!
Kevin: Why would you do that? Don't you get paid enough already?
Mike: No, ever since they cut my salary back I dont make as much so this is my way to get them back.
Kevin: You wont get out of here you know that right?
Mike: Well were both going down if I do.
Kevin: What do you mean?
Mike: Your my hostage get up and let's go!!
Kevin: Are you being serious right now?
Mike: Yeah, lets go.
   They snuck down the fire exit stairs and down into teh basement where the exit for the players is but the swat team was already there waiting.
Sheriff waller: Mike drop the gun and release Kevin and just come out.
Mike: No, now you let me out of here or Kevin's dead!
Kevin: Your kidding right?
Mike: If they let me go I am.
Sheriff Waller: Ok just calm down and lets talk about this.
Mike: Whats there to talk about?
    As Mike was talking a little bit of his shoulder was hanging out and Sheriff Waller noticed it so he went for the shot and caught him.
Mike: Owww! He got my shooting arm!
   Kevin noticed this and attacked him trying to get the gun and as he did Mike pulled the trigger and shot Kevin in his foot.
Kevin: Ouch! You shot my foot!
   As Mike peaked around the corner Kevin reached over one last time and jerked the gun loose and kicked it away. Just as that happened Sheriff Waller and the swat team ran over and tackled Mike.
Sheriff Waller: Put your hands behind your back and stop resisting!
    Mike was arrested and Kevin and Sheriff Waller were in teh ambulance talking about all that happened.
Kevin: I had no idea what he was doing. One minute he was going to the bathroom and then he comes back with money and a gun.
Sheriff Waller: Yea I cant believe he even did that. I have never seen a commentator try and rob a ball park before.
Kevin: Me either, what an ending to a game huh? (laughing)
Sheriff Waller: Yea, I would say so. (laughing back)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

long weekend

    This weekend was very fun. I needed all this time off because I hate going to school five days a week. Last week I had to take like 5 tests and it was so stupid. In english we had to take a test that had two different parts. The first part was dumb becasue we had to right to three different questions and we had to write alot. I hate writing so it was stupid having to do that. We also finished watching that movie that was pretty good and it was pretty intreseting to watch. Then on Friday after all my test we went to baseball for our last workout before we start tryouts this week. I cant wait for baseball to start, I have missed it for so long and cant wait for it to start. Then on Friday after baseball me and my friends went to the last basketball game of the year at home and it was fun. I dont know who we played but we killed them and it was a fun time. We start playoffs tonight and I hope they win so we can get revenge so we can come back and win states this year because we came so close last year and we lost which sucked because I thought we would win. I think we have the team to make it to the finals and actually win it this year. That was my long weekend and what we did in class last week.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

this week

    This week we started reading science fiction and fantasy stories. The stories that we have read so far have been pretty intresting, especially the one with the thousand foot wall where they were trapped inside it and it was a magic world. The kid was always thinking of a way that he could get out and his teacher didn't want him trying it and he was getting in alot of trouble because he wasn't paying attention in class. The other stories were pretty good but that was the one that I liked the most. I wish that we had magic because we would be able to do so much more stuff than we can now and it would be sweet. Also this week we I had baseball that was really fun and we only have one more week before I have to go for tryouts again like I did last year. The tryouts are very hard because we have to do alot of conditioning and it sucks but it helps keep me in shape. Also this weekend the varsity team won again and I think that JV did also. Yesterday I watched the buckeyes play basketball and they lost their first game of the year and they will no longer be number one. Wisconsin did this to us back during football season and the first week that we were number one we lost and then we weren't able to compete for the national championship. I think that we will still be in the national championship game so im not worried that we lost because we are still the best team in college. That was my week this week.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

My week

    This week in english we read a couple more stories and we listened to one story from llike the 1950's and it was pretty good. It was about these guy's going to mar's and it looks like heaven because everybody that they knew that died was there and it looked like each one of their hometowns. It ended up just being the aliens making it look like their families and they split the squad up and ended up killing all of them. Then we read another book about a bard that was always kicked and the kid always yelled at it and kept it in the basement and it ended up getting smarter and it kept saying one day that computers would take over and people would have to rely on computers and we would become dumb. This weekend I went to madriver and sat around at my house and played video games and watched tv. I also heard that the varsity team lost their first game of the year which sucks but its ok because we will still be in the playoffs and hopefully win it all. Today the superbowl is about to be played in a little bit and im hoping that the greenbay packers will win it all because I hate the steelers. They always win the superbowl and I just want to see a new team win, I think that Aaron Rodgers deserves it. That's what happened this week and over my weekend so far.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


my weekend

   This week was are first week back from exams ad it was really boring. I got new classes like gym and health. Health is really boring and all we do is study guides the whole class period while are teacher talks. Gym is pretty fun and alot of my friends are in that class with me. My english exam last week was really easy and but there were way to many questions on that exam. That was the most questions that I had on an exam but it was probably my easiest one. Exams were really long and boring but I feel that I did good on alot of them and I hope that I did. This week felt really slow and long and I was ready for this weekend. I still have basdeball 3 days a week for three more weeks and it is really fun. I cant wait for baseball season to start and I hope that we have another good season like we did last year. I also had ski club on thursday which was pretty fun becasue we didnt get to go last week because are bus got in a wreck on the way up there so we had to turn around and come back. On Friday this week I went to the JV and Varsity basketball games and they both won. Varsity started off slow but they ended up killing them by almost twenty points. On saturday I had a baseball clinic with little kids and it was pretty fun, we had to teach them the proper way to swing the bat. Overall I had a good weekend and im not ready to go back to school tomorrow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My week

    This week we read some more short stories and listened to some radio plays. The stories we read were pretty interesting. The one about the guy that made bets and then took fingers from people was kind of messed up. I also started baseball this week and it was kind of hard but I like being back on the field. I haven't played baseball since back over the summer. When we played over the summer we ended up coming second in states. We won the first two games but we couldn't win the third game and bring home states. Also the playoffs started this week and surprisingly the Seattle Seahawks won their game against the saints. Everyone thought they would lose coming into this game and they ended up winning the game. I thought they would lose but I was wrong and now I am hoping that they win the super bowl. Then the Jets and Colts play and the jets won the game with a last second field goal. It was pretty sick. Then today the Eagles are playing the Packers and I am hoping that the Eagles end up winning the game but it's not looking to good right now. I also went to my grandparents house today and saw them for awhile and it was fun. Then I went to my mom's and finished some homework so I can watch the rest of the Eagles game.
